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;; Those works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. <>
; This file is derivative work, therefore:
; Here's the attribution: great works, Munroe
; everything is from <>
; each comic is at <<number>/> where <number> is the number at the start of each line
; the rest of each line after the file name is the comic's comment, by Munroe himself
helicopter_640.jpg	Captain Phillip Sprincin. That's right, a fucking helicopter.
xkcd_logride.jpg	The thoughtful looks. The apparent midgame. The hand on the chin. It's perfect. Clockwise from top left: Andrew Burke, Chris Ranker, Ryan DowlingSoka, and Chance Brown.
xkcd_mummy.jpg	Jordan Stosky (right, looking at the board) and his friend Lucas travel from Canada to Florida to play chess on the Revenge of the Mummy coaster.
xkcd_loch_ness_monster.jpg	That's Nate Jellis on the Loch Ness monster at Busch Gardens, Virginia. They had trouble sneaking the board and pieces on the coaster, and had to tape them on as they were going up. The souvenier photo didn't work out but they snapped this shot with a camera smuggled on-board. I've ridden that coaster, and I'm amazed they held on to the board.
1	barrel_cropped_(1).jpg	Don't we all.	(part 1)
2	trees_cropped_(1).jpg	'Petit' being a reference to Le Petit Prince, which I only thought about halfway through the sketch	Petit Trees (sketch)
3	island_color.jpg	Hello, island	Island (sketch)
4	landscape_cropped_(1).jpg	There's a river flowing through the ocean			Landscape (sketch)
5	blownapart_color.jpg	Blown into prime factors
6	irony_color.jpg	It's commonly known that too much perspective can be a downer.
7	girl_sleeping_noline_(1).jpg	I don't remember her name at all, but she fell asleep on the floor in front of me.	 Girl sleeping (Sketch -- 11th grade Spanish class)
8	red_spiders_small.jpg	They are six-legged spiders
9	firefly.jpg	Mal, Simon, Wash, Zoe, River, Kaylee, Jayne, Irana, Book.		(Serenity is coming out tomorrow)
10	pi.jpg	My most famous drawing, and one of the first I did for the site	(Pi Equals)
11	barrel_mommies.jpg	Awww.		(part 2)
12	poisson.jpg	Poisson distributions have no value over negative numbers
13	canyon_small.jpg	They're standing at the lip of the canyon, which isn't clear at all.
14	copyright.jpg	After reading Slashdot and BoingBoing, sometimes I have to go outside
15	just_alerting_you.jpg	Just thought you should know
16	monty_python.jpg	I went to a dinner where there was a full 10 minutes of Holy Grail quotes exchanged, with no context, in lieu of conversation. It depressed me badly.	Monty Python -- Enough
17	what_if.jpg		I once made an anniversary card for my then-girlfriend with this layout.
18	snapple.jpg	Sn = tin
19	george_clinton.jpg	I still wish it were true.
20	ferret.jpg		My brother had a ferret he loved which died since I drew this strip. RIP.
21	kepler.jpg	Science joke. You should probably just move along.
22	barrel_whirlpool.jpg	A whirlpool!	(part 3)
23	t-shirts.jpg	It's depressing how many of these are real shirts
24	godel_escher_kurthalsey.jpg	I love the idea here, though of course it's not a great-quality drawing or scan.
25	barrel_part_4.jpg	:(
26	fourier.jpg	That cat has some serious periodic components
27	meat_cereals.jpg	Disgusting
28	elefino.jpg	Hell if I know
29	hitler.jpg	So he's saying that God thought Hitler's art was so bad that the Holocaust was an acceptable alternative. It's no secret that the hat guy is closely based on Aram, from Men in Hats.
30	donner.jpg	Some people haven't heard of the Donner Party. They were pioneers who got stranded and likely resorted to cannibalism.
31	barrel_part_5.jpg	Too good not to happen.
32	pillar.jpg	A comic by my brother Doug, redrawn and rewritten by me
33	self-reference.jpg	I think about self-reference a lot. Example: this comment.
34	flowers.jpg	This is actually pencil on paper, just inverted and colored
35	sheep.jpg	I think it's the sheep zapping the cactus and not vice-versa
36	scientists.jpg	A leading expert characterized the situation as 'retarded'
37	hyphen.jpg	I do this constantly
38	apple_jacks.jpg	There used to be these ads, see...
39	bowl.jpg	For the moment it's a standoff
40	light.jpg	Like a beacon
41	unspeakable_pun.jpg	I don't want to talk about it	Old Drawing
42	geico.jpg	David did this
43	red_spiders_2.jpg	This was actually drawn years before Red Spiders
44	love.jpg	Thin one makes me wince every time I think about it
45	schrodinger.jpg	There was no alt-text until you moused over
46	secrets.jpg	I'm a big fan of Kurt Halsey
47	counter-red-spiders.jpg	I hope we can stop them
48	found.jpg	No more, no less
49	want.jpg	Well, she's pretty hot.
50	penny_arcade.jpg	Of course, Penny Arcade has already mocked themselves for this. They don't care.
51	malaria.jpg	The malaria party was David's idea
52	secret_worlds.jpg	No two adjancent circles are the same color.
53	hobby.jpg	The only noe of these games I really played was Area 51
54	science.jpg	Bonus points if you can identify the science in question
55	useless.jpg		Even the identity matrix doesn't work normally
56	the_cure.jpg	My first try at drawing a real face in years
57	wait_for_me.jpg	Opening dialogue by Scott
58	why_do_you_love_me.jpg	Opening dialogue by Scott
59	graduation.jpg	 Opening dialogue by Scott
60	super_bowl.jpg	The Super Bowl is actually an elaborate ruse, concocted by a shadowy group in the mid sixties for this purpose. The 'watch it for the ads' addition was a master stroke.
61	staceys_dad.jpg	I bet she gets you to mown the lawn, doesn't she?
62	karnaugh.jpg		Love and circuit analysis, hand in hand at last.	Valentine - Karnaugh
63	valentine.jpg	Just pretend you're kidding.
64	solar_plexus.jpg	It hurts to be hit there, you know
65	banter.jpg	This was an actual mock conversation between me and a friend at TGiF. The waitress walked up around panel 5 and was somewhat put off.
66	abusive_astronomy.jpg	Medium: Pencil on paper
67	nerd_girls.jpg	Nothing personal, high schoolers.
68	five_thirty.jpg	The 8th panel is my favorite
69	pillow_talk.jpg	Maybe I should've tried Wexler?
70	guitar_hero.jpg	And then do it again in a moment now that they're out of Star Power
71	in_the_trees.jpg	It was tricky.
72	classhole.jpg	A term coined by my friend Beth
73	zeppelin.jpg	A tribute to Buttercup Festival
74	su_doku.jpg	This one is from the Red Belt collection, of 'medium' difficulty.
75	curse_levels.jpg	I find so much fun in language.
76	familiar.jpg	:(
77	bored_with_the_internet.jpg	I used to do this all the time.
78	garfield.jpg	The use of the 'Garfield' character for the purposes of this parody qualifies as fair use under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. sec. 107.  See Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music (92-1292), 510 U.S. 569
79	iambic_pentameter.jpg	Of course, you don't wanna limit yourself to the strict forms of the meter. That could get pretty difficult.
80	other_car.jpg	It's much better than the other one.	My Other Car
81	attention_shopper.jpg	There's a red convertible outside my building with the license plate 'DADS MNY'.
82	frame.jpg	...
83	katamari.jpg	As the King of All Cosmos remaked, 'Is it that it's fun, or that it lets you forget yourself?'
84	national_language.jpg	She's pretty sharp when provoked.
85	paths.jpg	It's true, I think about this all the time.
86	sony_microsoft_mpaa_riaa_apple.jpg	If you're interested in the subject, Lawrence Lessig's 'Free Culture' is pretty good	Digital Rights Management
87	velociraptors.jpg	You're probably thinking, 'has it been a decade?' It's been over thirteen years, buddy.
88	escher_wristband.jpg	The only downside is that it would be a little uncomfortable
89	gravitational_mass.jpg	She's so fat the attraction goes up as the CUBE of the distance instead of the square
90	jacket.jpg		We have this conversation at least once a day in my apartment
91	pwned.png	I'm sure a discussion of the reason for the disappearance of adventure games in favor of RPGs would be fascinating
92	sunrise.jpg	Sometimes, I sit on top of parking decks and watch the sun rise. I feel like I should have a guitar or something.
93	jeremy_irons.jpg	Movies that I know word-for-word, part one
94	profile_flowchart.jpg	This one goes out to xxCrazyPixie1987xx	Profile Creation Flowchart
95	the_sierspinski_penis_game.jpg	Inappropriate places for the Penis Game include baby showers and terrorist attacks
96	mail.png	I'm on the USPS No Fly List
97	a_simple_plan.jpg	This is true. The lyrics are ridiculous.
98	fall_apart.jpg	#pugglewumper Tashari got me some ink pens! I've been experimenting with them.
99	binary_heart.jpg	i love you
100	family_circus.jpg	This was my friend David's idea
101	laser_scope.jpg	I wish I'd missed you then so I wouldn't be missing you now
102	back_to_the_future.jpg	He's kind of an asshole, when you think about it
103	moral_relativity.jpg	It's science!
104	find_you.jpg	I'm like the Terminator, except with love!
105	parallel_universe.jpg	It's possible. Better to be on the safe side.
106	wright_brothers.png	I'm not sure if this is actually true
107	snake_on_a_plane_2.jpg	James suggested this, and I have to agree. It'd be much worse.
108	mc_hammer_slide.png	Once, long ago, I saw this girl go by. I didn't stop and talk to her, and I've regretted it ever since.	   M.C. Hammer Slide
109	spoiler_alert.png	 And then it turns out they're both Tyler Durden.
110	clark_gable.jpg	Frankly, my dear, I don't give a BITCH ASS SHIT FUCK DAMN
111	firefox_wicca.png	ThisadpaidforbythecounciltepromoteMicrosoftandChristanity. Remember, The Bible is Closed Source.					   Firefox and Witchcraft - The Connection?
112	baring_my_heart.png	I'm just trying to explain, please don't be jealous! Man, why are all my relationships ruined by early 90's rappers?
113	riemann-zeta.jpg	The graph is of the magnitude of the function with the real value between 0 and 2 and the imaginary between about 35 and 40. I've misplaced the exact parameters I used.
114	computational_linguists.png	Chomskyists, generative linguists, and Ryan North, your days are numbered.
115	meerkat.jpg		Gorilla, yes. Adorable golden retriever, yes. But it says nothing about meerkats.
116	city.jpg	 God, she's such a whore.
117	pong.png	Following this, the pong paddle went on a mission to destroy Atari headquarters and, due to a mixup, found himself inside the game The Matrix Reloaded. Boy, was THAT ever hard to explain to him.
118	50_ways.png	I woke up to find that I had scrawled the last line of this sleepily on a sheet of paper on my desk. I shouldn't have listened to the 70's hit marathon on the way home from work the night before.
119	hedgeclipper.jpg	You can just see his dejection as he realizes he's the lead guitar in 'Hedgeclipper'	Worst Band Name Ever
120	dating_service.png	I don't understand why people are so disingenuous! I just want someone to talk with!
121	balloon.png		So I'm a bad person.
122	quirky_girls.png	Romantic comedy heroines, I'm talking to you.
123	centrifugal_force.png	You spin me right round, baby, right round, in a manner depriving me of an inertial reference frame. Baby.
124	blogofractal.png	Edward Tufte's 'The Visual Display of Quantitative Information' is a fantastic book, and should be required reading for anyone in either the sciences or graphic design.
125	marketing_interview.png	There are a lot of books on marketing out there. I wonder if you're safest just buying the most popular one.
126	red_spiders_cometh.jpg	Uh-oh.
127	the_fast_and_the_furious.jpg	Sometimes when I steer shopping carts around corners, I slide them a little and pretend I'm getting the blue spark boost.
128	dPain_over_dt.png		You laugh to keep from crying, you do math to keep from crying...
129	content_protection.png	If you think the purveyors of DRM simply want to protect artists, check out chapters 13 and 14 in Free Culture, by Lawrence Lessig. Their goal is the elimination of all culture they don't control.
130	julia_stiles.jpg	I found an old tape of this episode in my family's closet. Check the news section of the forums to see the clip!
131	fans.png		It's not going to break the fan, bouncing a rubber ball off the wall isn't going to dent it, and the roof can hold me just fine. You LIED!
132	music_knowledge.png	When Guitar Hero 2 comes out I'll have fresh conversation materials for MONTHS.
133	the_raven.jpg	Yes, Eminem is wearing a sleeveless hoodie. What of it?
134	myspace.png	It's like they got together and said 'what do we miss most from the internet in 1998? that's right, embedded MIDI!'
135	substitute.png	YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?
136	science_fair.png	This project actually inspired a two-hour powerpoint presentation that Al Gore gave around the country.
137	dreams.png	In Connor's second thesis it is stated 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.' Does the routine to destroy our creativity or do we lose creativity and fall into the routine? Anyway, who's up for a road trip!
138	pointers.png	Every computer, at the unreachable memory address 0x-1, stores a secret. I found it, and it is that all humans ar-- SEGMENTATION FAULT.
139	electric_skateboards.png	Both skateboards I owned were pretty cheap and broke from heavy use; I'm gonna get a really nice one if I move to the city. I Have Owned Two Eletric Skateboards
140	delicious.png	I'm currently in the I Have Cheese phase of this cycle.
141	achewood.png	I always wanted to impress them with how well I could hear, didn't you? Also, this sets the record for number of awkward-pause panels in one strip (previously held by Achewood)   Parody Week: Achewood
142	megaxkcd.png	I just want to give him a hug or something.	Parody Week: Megatokyo
143	tfd_nataliedee.png	Although bees with tires would be kinda funny.	Parody Week: TFD and Natalie Dee
144	a_softer_robot.jpg	The robot is pregnant. It isn't mine.	Parody Week: A Softer World
145	dinosaur_comics.png	Guys: while I was writing this, I accidentally swallowed a table-sized slab of drywall. I know! Wacky.	Parody Week: Dinosaur Comics
146	join_myspace.png	I really shouldn't abuse that power so heavily.
147	a_way_so_familiar.png	Two Hedwig references, an obscure Joey Comeau reference, and a girl with a mohawk. Yes.
148	mispronouncing.png	My pal Emad does this all the time. 'Hey man, which way to the airpart?'
149	sandwich.png	Proper User Policy apparently means Simon Says.
150	grownups.png	I've looked into this, and I can't figure out a way to do it cheaply. And I guess it wouldn't be sanitary.
151	mario.png	Why would anyone ever, ever say that? Please, nobody ever say that.
152	hamster_ball.png	Reportedly, double-walled inflatable balls like this exist somewhere. Now to find that place.
153	cryptography.png	If you got a big keyspace, let me search it.
154	beliefs.jpg	Scientists are also sexy, let's not forget that.
155	search_history.png	SomethingAwful has a wonderful compilation of crazy AOL search in their Weekend Web archives, 2006-08-13.
156	commented.png	Your IDE's color may vary.
157	filler_art.png	Maybe I should let up on Megatokyo a little?
158	six_months.png	But then she does that thing with her tongue and I remember why I left you.
159	boombox.png		And she's gonna feel like a jerk when she realizes it was actually Under Pressure.
160	penny_arcade_parody.png	No one show this to Tycho's wife, okay?
161	accident.png		As far as treachery-as-driving-music goes, Katamari music is matched only by Guitar Hero music.
162	angular_momentum.jpg	With reasonable assumptions about latitude and body shape, how much time might she gain them? Note: whatever the answer, sunrise always comes too soon. (Also, is it worth it if she throws up?)
163	donald_knuth.png	His books were kinda intimidating; rappelling down through his skylight seemed like the best option.
164	global_warming.png	There are so many well-meaning conservatives around here who just assume global warming is only presented as a moral issue for political reasons.	    Playing Devil's Advocate to Win
165	turn_signals.png	I'm not very good at meeting people.
166	misusing_slang.png	It slowly dawns on us that our parents knew exactly what they were doing.
167	nihilism.png	Why can't you have normal existential angst like all the other boys?
168	reverse_euphemisms.png	I'm still waiting for a chance to use 'I have to see a man about a horse'.
169	words_that_end_in_gry.png	The fifth panel also applies to postmodernists.
170	turn_back.png	I hear that these days Bill Watterson is happy just painting the Ohio woods with his father and doesn't get any moil or talk to anyone.
171	string_theory.png	This works on pretty much every level.
172	skateboarding_is_not_a_crime.png	'Arrest me, I'm a skateboarder' is an event more obnoxious variant.
173	movie_seating.png		It's like traveling salesman problem, bet the endpoints are different and you can't ask your friends for help because they're sitting three seats down.
174	thats_what_she_said.png	Yes, I mean she said that during sex. Yes, it was a little weird.		That's What SHE Said
175	automatic_doors.png	I hope no automatic doors I know read this. I would be so embarrassed.
176	before_sunrise.png	It's an amazing time of day; the light is great for photography.
177	alice_and_bob.png	Yet one mare reason I'm barred from speaking at crypto conferences.
178	not_really_into_pokemon.png	As of this writing, Ubuntu 6.10 and Firefox 2.0 have left my computer a complete mess.
179	e_to_the_pi_times_i.png	I have never been totally satisfied by the explanations for why e to the ix gives a sinusoidal wave.
180	canada.png	IT'S ALL REAL
181	interblag.png	Sometimes I hate the internet. Sometimes it makes me happy that 'The Tubes' has become slang for the internet so quickly.
182	nash.png	Maybe someday science will get over its giant collective crush on Richard Feynman. But I doubt it!
183	snacktime_rules.png	I am not making this rule up. Although my mom wants you all to know it made perfect sense at the time.
184	matrix_transform.png	In fact, draw all your rotational matrices sideways. Your professors will love it! And then they'll go home and shrink.
185	wikifriends.png		It's crazy how much my gut opinion of a movie/song is swayed by what other people say, regardless of how I felt coming out of the theater.
186	console_lines.png	If I get a Wii, it will be the first game console I've owned.
187	the_familiar.png	When I say we should do something sometime, I'm secretly hoping you'll say 'Why not now?'
188	reload.png	And watch out for that guy from comic #53.
189	exercise.png	I haven't had the patience for RPGs in a long time.
190	ipod.png	For smaller numbers he has to SAVE lives. The birthrate channel is even more of a mixed bag.	    IPoD
191	lojban.png	zo'o to jitfa .i .e'o xu do pendo mi
192	working_for_google.png	I hear once you've worked there for 256 days they teach you the secret of levitation.
193	the_perfect_sound.png	Oh, what a pity, can't you understand...
194	penises.png	The penis varies in size when flaccid and is pretty consistently about yea big when erect. Anyway, back to the sitcom one-liners and the constant flow of spam.
195	map_of_the_internet.jpg	For the IPv6 map just imagine the XP default desktop picture.
196	command_line_fu.png	When designing an interface, imagine that your program is all that stand between the user and hot, sweaty, tangled-bedsheets-fingertips-digging-into-the-back sex.
197	ninja_turtles.png	The henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.
198	perspective.png		I wonder what I was dreaming to prompt that. I hope it wasn't the Richard Stallman Cirque de Soleil thing again.
199	right_hand_rule.png	To really expand try some noncartesian porn. Edwin Abbot Abbott has nothing on 'Girls on Girls in Tightly Closed Nonorientable Spaces'.
200	bill_nye.png	You could at least not wear the lab coat everywhere, dude.
201	christmas_gps.png	If it's over water, and you can't get a boat or revise the rules to preserve the makeout, there is no helping you.
202	youtube.png	I pray GunPistolMan never learns the word 'sheeple'.		YouTube
203	halluchinations.png	And the possibility of lucid dreaming just makes it that much more fascinating.
204	america.png	The younger folk in the audience think this is a joke.
205	candy_button_paper.png	 Nonrewritable tape?
206	reno_rhymes.png	Did you shoot a man in Reno? Now, I don't mean to pry.
207	what_xkcd_means.png	It means shuffling quickly past nuns on the street with ketchup in your palms, pretending you're hiding stigmata.
208	regular_expressions.png	Wait, forgot to escape a space. Wheeeeee[taptaptap]eeeeee.
209	kayak.png	Man, there's future *everywhere*.
210	90s_flowchart.png	Freestyle rapping is basically applied Markov chains.
211	hamster_ball_heist.png	First person to bring me Wayne Coyne in a hamster ball gets a free t-shirt! He gets one too.
212	brain.png	The rest is fear of raptors.
213	ghostbusters_marathon.png	If you walk out that door you'll be crossing the Rubicon with me, and that's one stream I'm not ready to cross.
214	the_problem_with_wikipedia.png	'Taft in a wet t-shirt contest' is the key image here.
215	letting_go.png			At least I never gave her the root password.
216	romantic_drama_equation.png	Real-life prospective-pairing curves over things like age can get depressing.
217	e_to_the_pi_minus_pi.png	Also, I hear the 4th root of (9^2 + 19^2/22) is pi.
218	nintendo_surgeon.png		Scary thought #138: Raptors coming down the waterside behind me.
219	blanket_fort.png	Also, we have a fort out in the woods where we stashed that hooker's body.
220	philosophy.png	It's like the squirt bottle we use with the cat.
221	random_number.png	RFC 1149.5 specifies 4 as the standard IEEE-vetted random number.
222	small_talk.png		But surely I owe you an accurate answer!
223	valentines_day.jpg	One of these days me and Joey Corneau will get around to subverting the hetero-normative paradigm and fixing all this.
224	lisp.jpg		We lost the documentation on quantum mechanics. You'll have to decode the regexes yourself.
225	open_source.png	Later we'll dress up like Big Oil thugs and jump Ralph Nader.
226	swingset.png	Someone bring me a pocket fan so I can drift around the yard.
227	color_codes.png	(It's the TMBG Dial-a-Song line, to save you some time.)
228	resonance.png	It's really hard to control the frequency, actually.
230	halmintonian.png	The problem with perspective is that it's bidirectional.
231	cat_proximity.png	Yes you are! And you're sitting there! Hi, kitty!
232	chess_enlightenment.png	You know that 'sweep the pieces off the board and see it in your mind' thing? Doesn't work.
233	a_new_captcha_approach.png	They'd use that Futarama episode with Fry's dog, but even spambots cry at that.
234	escape_artist.png	Easier to escape: n-layered nested quotes or an iron maiden?
235	kite.jpg	It's easy to regret your awkward conversations but hard to regret the ones you didn't have.
236	collecting_double_takes.png	Fun game: find a combination of two items that most freaks out the cashier. Winner: pregnancy test and single coat hanger.
237	keyboards_are_disgusting.png	Alternate method: convince them to pretend it's an Etch-a-Sketch and try to erase it.
238	pet_peeve_114.png	I'm reading a goddamn book, thank you very much.	Pet Peeve #114
239	blagofaire.png	Things were better before the Structuring and the Levels.
240	dream_girl.png	No matter how elaborately you fool yourself.
241	battle_room.png	Bean actually sabotaged it you to give Dink the excuse to make that joke.
242	the_difference.png	How could you choose avoiding a little pain over understanding a magic lightning machine?
243	appropriate_term.png	I know a lot of people hate these, but I prefer them to touchpads.
244	tabletop_roleplaying.png	I may have also tossed one of a pair of teleportation rings into the ocean, with interesting results.
245	floor_tiles.png	The worst part is when sidewalk craks are out-of-sync with your natural stride.
246	labyrinth_puzzle.png	And the whole setup is just a trap to capture escaping logicians. None of the doors actually lead out.
247	factoring_the_time.png	I occasionally do this with mile markers on the highway.
248	hypotheticals.png	What if someone broke out of a hypothetical situation in your room right now?
249	chess_photo.png	We once tried playing blindfold chess on the Aerosmith ride at Disney World.
250	snopes.png	The MythBusters are even more sinister.
251	cd_tray_fight.png	This is silly, of course. The enemy will be born in the network.
252	escalators.png	The one time I tried, I got hit by a slinky going down at double speed.
253	highway_engineer_pranks.png	Pranks #11: Boston
254	comic_fragment.jpg	No one wants an explanation more than us. Except Ms. Garofalo.
255	subjectivity.png	Or maybe the slide is like Asian, and get taller as I do (except without the feeling of discomfort when I reach my teens and suddenly get the Christ stuff.)
256	online_communities.png	I'm waiting for the day when, if you tell someone 'I'm from the internet', instead of laughing they just ask 'oh, what part?'
257	code_talkers.png	As far as I can tell, Navajo doesn't have a common word for 'zero'. do-neh-lini means 'neutral'.
258	conspiracy_theories.png	There are a lot of graduate-educated young-earth creationists.
259	cliched_exchanges.png	It's like they say, you gotta fight fire with clichés.	Clichéd Exchanges
260	the_glass_necklace.png	Well, for some value of 'actually work'.
261	regarding_mussolini.png	Constantly stopping these briefings halfway through is becoming a pain.
262	in_ur_reality.png	Hey, at least I ran out of staples.
263	certainty.png	a(b+c)=(ab)+(ac). Politicize that, bitches.
264	choices_part_1.jpg	Wait, damn, I think I spotted a new email on the last refresh.
265	choices_part_2.jpg	Maybe someday I'll get to write the Wikipedia article about this place! Wait, damn, original research.
266	choices_part_3.jpg	Wait, this is space -- how are you talking to me? And, as an afterthought, what's up with the hole in reality?
267	choices_part_4.jpg	Making out with yourself: now an official xkcd theme? Troubling.
268	choices_part_5.png	I wonder what percentage of not-obviously-busy people on the street would say yes to kite-flying with a stranger. This looks like a job for Science!
269	tcmp.png	A big obstacle in experimenting with the mind's dream-simulation-engine is holding onto the details as you wake up. With TCMP you can bring back any information you want.
270	merlin.png	I mean, the black-and-white stuff was running backward, but it hardly mattered to the story.
271	powers_of_one.png	It's kinda Zen when you think about it, if you don't think too hard.
272	linux_user_at_best_buy.png	We actually stand around the antivirus displays with the Mac users just waiting for someone to ask
273	electromagnetic_spectrum.png	Sometimes I try to picture what everything would look like ifthe whole spectrum were compressed into the visible spectrum. Also sometimes I try to picture your sister naked.
274	with_apologies_to_the_who.png	Roger Daltry originally wrote 'Don't try an' Digg what we all say' but erased the second 'g' when he moved to reddit.
275	thoughts.png	And now I might never get to again.
276	fixed-width.png	I wish I knew how to quit this so I wouldn't have to quit you.
277	long_light.png	You can look at practically any part of anything manmade around you and think 'some engineer was frustrated while designing this.' It's a little human connection
278	black_hat_support.png	So as not to leave you hanging -- that was a problem with select() calls.
279	pickup_line.png	That shirts looks good on you, but it would look even better stuffed into the neck of a vodka bottle and flung burning through our office building's window. Let's fucking do it and never look back.
280	librarians.png	Don't expect any leniency on late fees, though.
281	online_package_tracking.png	I don't even *want* this packages! Why did I join the stinging insect of the month club, anyway?
282	organic_fuel.png	I have nothing to apologize for.
283	projection.png	Out in a field, not another car for miles, silence but for the rain drumming on the sunroof, warm thick folds of the blanket hiding wordless fingertip games ...
284	tape_measure.png	This sequence was later reproduced in the International Tape-Extending Federation archives, retitled 'The Founding of the Sport'.
285	wikipedian_protester.png	SEMI-PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION
286	all_your_base.png	The AYB retro-return-date (Zero Wing Zero Hour) should be around AD 2021.
287	np_complete.png	General solutions get you a 50% tip.
288	elevator.jpg	Quick, try it with 'LOVE'.
289	alone.png	Worries assuaged, the numbers become less important than your touches.
290	fucking_blue_shells.png	You can evade blue shells in Double Dash, but it is deep magic.
291	dignified.png	'I don't know, why is your beret staying on your head?' 'Staples.'
292	goto.png	Neal Stephenson thinks it's cute to name his labels 'dengo'
293	rtfm.png	Life is too short for man pages, but occasionally much too short without them.
294	bookstore.png	You can search it if you want, but you may want to skip the memories of your mom.
295	dne.png	I've seen advertisers put their URLs on chalkboards, encircled with a DNE.  They went unerased for months.  If you see this, feel free to replace the URL with
296	tony_hawk.png	Bad idea #271: Dropping into the half-pipe on a Segway.
297	lisp_cycles	I've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the MIT computer science program permamently.
298	tesla_coil.png	For scientists, this can be the hardest thing about dreams.
299	aeris_dies.png	It's bad enough that all the families in your Sims are just you and Maggie recreated over and over.
300	facebook.png	'Here, I'll put my number in your cell pho -- wait, why is it already here?'
301	limerick.png	Fun game: try to post a YouTube comment so stupid that people realize you must be joking.  (Hint: this is impossible)
302	names.png	I'm always so happy that I successfully nagivated the introduction that I completely forget to pay attention to the name the other person told me.
303	compiling.png	'Are you stealing those LCDs?' 'Yeah, but I'm doing it while my code compiles.'
304	nighttime_stories.jpg	Cue angry letters from all seven fans of Xenocide.
305	rule_34.png	Okay, Lance.  For entry into the college bowl, spell 'Throbbing'
306	orphaned_projects.png	His date works for Red Hat, who hired a coach for her, too.  He advised her to 'rent lots of movies like Hitch.  Guys love those.'
307	excessive_quotation.png	Unfortunately for her, real Star Wars fans are attracted to a gal with a good force choke.
308	interesting_life.png	Quick, fashion a climbing harness out of cat-6 cable and follow me down.
309	shopping_team.png	I am never going out to buy an air conditioner with my sysadmin again.
310	commitment.png	Could be worse.  The last guy in that situation fell for one of the transient trumpeting angels.
311	action_movies.png	By my count, only 48 of the 158 minutes in Live Free or Die Hard have action.  That's pathetic, guys.  Crank is better, but needs a bigger budget and more Summer Glau.
312	with_apologies_to_robert_frost.png	Some say the world will end in fire; some say in segfaults.
313	insomnia.png	Crap, I have levitation class at 25:131.  Better set the alarm to 'cinnamon'.
314	dating_pools.png	The full analysis is of course much more complicated, but I can't stay to talk about it because I have a date.
315	braille.png	The only big difference I've seen is in colors.  Where the regular text reads "press red button", the braille reads "press two-inch button".
316	loud_sex.png	Spherical or parabolic reflectors would of course lead to aberrant behavior.
317	that_lovin_feelin.png	Maybe there's no tenderness in her fingertips either, but at least SHE puts out.
318	nostalgia.png	If you don't get this one, don't google it.
319	engineering_hubris.png	Chuck Jones is a vengeful god.
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